Sunday, October 11, 2009

Esther (Williams) Hart

Well - I'm closing in on three months past and I have a real victory to report. As some of you know, moving my body (by choice) has never been my strong suit. I own and use (very begrudgingly) a treadmill. Let's just say that I am still waiting for the endorphin rush. Anyhow, two weeks ago I (re)joined a local woman's gym. I have been going to a water cardio class - an hour of fun that lets me forget how hard it is. I hope that my enthusiasm stays afloat. (pun intended) 57 pounds (who-whoo!)


KCalla said...

Yaaaay! Glad you reported in. You're AMAZING!

Kathleen Mattox said...

Fantastic progress! Congratulations!


I am so proud of you! You are my new HERO! Keep on Keepin on, Girl! Thanks for checking in! we miss you! ((((HUGS))))

Kathy said...

Good going Marilyn! So glad to see that you are feeling great and getting healthy. Gonna need some 'in progress' pictures soon!