Monday, July 27, 2009

With apologies to Kraft Foods

I never want to eat plain, sf jello again - but wait .... I don't have to! I went to my doctor today for my 1st week post-op visit and got some exciting new food choices. I'm officially on "soft foods" which includes such things as cottage cheese, yogurt, applesauce, banana, real soup (yahoo!!) such as split pea and lentil (for protein), cream of wheat - there just aren't enough meals in the week to honor them all. Especially when you are eating 1/4 to 1/3 cup at a meal. But amazingly - that's enough.

Other than tiring easily, you'd never know that I had major surgery a week ago. I feel great - my body is moving so much easier - my stiffness and arthritis seem to have taken a giant step back.

So - curious to know what I had for lunch? Cottage cheese and a few banana slices mushed up with a drizzle of sf Toriani coconut syrup. Wonderful!


Grammy's Blog said...

I am indeed proud of you, Marilyn! Keep up the good work!
I will be sending your mary Kay off tomorrow with a couple of special goodies for you! :)
You can either give me a cr cd # or send a check, either way is fine with me.! Gentle hugs, my friend! Bonnie

Kathy said...

I'm so happy that you are recovering so quickly. When the Dr. okays pudding... I posted a kick ass pudding recipe on the Nifties Recipe thread. It's about three post from the bottom. About 70 to 80 calories, depending on the milk you use. I made mine with Almond Breeze Chocolate and it is awesome.